Thursday, June 14, 2007

They Won!

Christopher's final make up game was tonight. It was a quick game. His team, The Orioles, beat the Reds in convincing fashion--7-2. Chris played right field. He struck out looking twice. The umpire was a crotchety old fart. C'est les vie. Coaches bought victory hot dogs at the field house. Playoffs begin either Monday or Tuesday, they'll let us know. He can now savor his end of school and birthday parties.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I knew the vibes would work...sent 'em out all day. ;)

Anonymous said...

Something about victory hot dogs at the field house just sounds so perfectly All-American. Throw in an ice cold lemonade and I am so there!

Rebecca said...

Thank you, David. I will post post-season results as they come in :)

Can you send out a few good thoughts for the Mets, or are you a Yankee fan?

Anonymous said...

I've always been a Yankee fan by default and I still tend to lean that way since they train in Tampa and that just gives me another link to the good old Yanks. But The Mets are a New York team so hell yeah I'll send out good-bastard vibes for them! :)

I'm looking forward to hearing about Christopher's awesome victory party. Good luck to you guys!

My Bucket of parts said...

Ahh...Summer. One of the reasons I went into teaching...I still get one :)

Enjoy the summer.

Anonymous said...


Rebecca said...

Look here for post game reports for the duration of the playoffs. I have no idea if this is single elimination or round robin...

Uncle, I am officially jealous of you, and my sister in law for that matter, who also teaches.

David...H.A.G.S????? Mets only won the first game. Their season is going to hell in a hand basket, though I am headed to Shea for tonight's game.

Leonard said...

Hello mate nice postt