Now For Something Different
My last few posts have been full of worrying news and/or rank introspection. Today, I will change gears and share some lighter bits.Wednesday night there was a complete lunar eclipse. According to NASA, it was visible over the Central Pacific, Europe, the Americas and Africa, and it is the last one we'll see for nearly three years. Apparently there were two last year that I somehow missed! Thankfully, the weather in the New York Metropolitan area was cooperative, and we were able to view the entire phenomenon. I am not sure why the eclipse took on a red hue, but it did, at least in our part of the world. I was able to watch this from the warmth and comfort of my house, as both my living room and bedroom windows face the full moon each month. It is one of my favorite features of my bedroom, especially.
I went to a 7am yoga class Thursday morning, which means I left my house around ten minutes before six. The first rays of the rising sun are beginning to peak over the horizon at that time of day; a ribbon of rose gold at the bottom of an ink black sky. I sat in awe watching the sun rise during my train ride into the City, joyfully thanking God for elevated subway lines! I love watching the rising sun change the color of the sky, vanquishing the night. I also love how the changing light plays on the skyline of Manhattan. I have often wondered whether architects make material decisions based on whether the building in question faces the rising or setting sun. But I digress. The final turn into the last above ground station afforded me the view of a lifetime. The sun rising behind me almost fully above the horizon, and the still bright, full moon in front of me beginning its descent over the west side of the island. The eclipse, the dawn, the setting moon and the peace of yoga stayed with me the entire day. To cap it off, when my train emerged on the Queens side of the 59th Street Tunnel, it was still light outside. The cloud bank of an impending storm were just beginning to become visible off to the southwest. Sunset equaling the splendor of its rising. It was a beautiful day, and the most serene I have felt in a long while.
Today, it was snowing when I awoke at the much more reasonable hour of six fifteen. It is supposed to be a fairly big storm. All I can say is FINALLY! I can't believe how snow free this season has been. The irony of it is that my son has been off from school all week long, and is therefore cheated out of a snow day. Oh, well. He and Dad will toss a few snowballs. Maybe Chris will get to dust off his sled.
Brian is healing well. He has a scary looking bruise from the palm of his hand midway to his elbow that will take an eon to heal. Other than that, and a possible touch a stomach flu, he is doing well: The storm clouds on our horizon have seemingly receded...
Liv and I watched the eclipse too, out of my bedroom window. It was all red peeking with a few black/brown streaks. It was just gorgeous. And Liv looked at me and said, "the next time we see this, I will be nearly 12."
I could hardly breathe. No. She can't be that old.
glad that things are on the up and up..... light is at the end of the tunnel... couldnt see that from where we were.... too bad, it looked beautiful...
The eclipse was so cool to see. In my dreams when I design my house, I know exactly which windows will face which direction- north, south, east, west. Lighting is such a huge factor in a room. I love my windows where I can see the sun setting and rising.
I'm happy to see that you are able to write about somewhat calm and ordinary things, that means that you aren't having any particilar crises in your life. That's always a good thing.
I watched the eclipse too, it was pretty spectacular in my corner of the world, as well.
Have a good weekend Rebecca.
very nice-peaceful post, and time for you.
i love the way you write btw-- but i think i mentioned that before :))
we missed the eclipse-- it was in my plans-- but , well.. senile you know. forgot all about it. too bad miss it-- maybe next time.
anyhow-- glad to hear your family is well..
i have a hard time seeing you excited somewhat about snow-- everyone else has either had way more than their share--- or is thrilled to have not had any!
but hey-- if you're happy-- that's what matters.
enjoy--all of it-
I totally skipped looking at the moon...
I'm hoping you're on to much brighter days. :)
Whew! I'm glad that your husband's angioplasy went well. I was thinking of you. And I would be more than delighted to send you some of our snow!
Yeah I saw part of the lunar eclipse that day and it was so beautiful.
You know, this evening I just read an article in Scientific American that 100 trillion years from now, the last stars will burn out... and it'll be back to darkness. Oh that's so depressing! I certainly don't want to live in a world that I cannot get to appreciate the stars, the flowers, the moon, even the ugly snowman (scaryman) that I built :)
just tryin to make my rounds-- and check in on ya--
hope you have a happy monday!!!
i know-- monday is monday-- but it could be good. :))
How are things in your corner of the world this week? :)
Glad your husband is mending.
I love your description of the rising sun: 'a ribbon of rose gold at the bottom of an ink black sky.'
i'm awake! are you?
maybe you should put up a new post--ya think??? :))
how's the weather? how's the fam?
how are YOU?
hope you have a happy humpday!
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