Friday, December 14, 2007

How Bizarre!

This falls under the header Only in New York.

After lunch today, I ventured over to the Modell's on 33rd and Broadway to pick up a skateboard and helmet for Christopher. It is about 4 block or so from my office. This being New York, one learns to move along at a very quick pace, weaving around slow movers and scaffolding with considerable skill. So there I was, trucking along, when this woman who was walking towards me on a Christmas crowded sidewalk, to pass me on my left hand side took one big ole step to her right, directly blocking my path. She said not one word. Just stood there. I had my hands in my pants pockets, not carrying a purse, so nothing on me of any interest. She was nearly a head shorter than me. I didn't recognize her at all. I looked at her for a few moments before asking "Is there a problem?" She said "No." So I stepped around her and went about my business.

How strange! Gotta tell you I was a little nervous. Then I thought, well, maybe if I had said something else such as, "Do I know you?" or, "Can I help you?" I might have learned her intent. I mean she definitely got my attention, but is such a disquieting way, it was not my first inclination to think to be more gracious.



Maria said...

Maybe she was feeling invisible and wanted to assure herself that she was real....

I feel like that sometimes. It started when I hit 45. I was never a great beauty, but I got...looks. And once I hit 45 and joined the ranks of the older women, I suddenly seemed to become invisible and I was shocked to discover how much that bothered me!

The Real Mother Hen said...

That's definately New York :)

Rebecca said...

I've never been to NYC, but I think I would have done the same thing.

Unknown said...

i miss new yorkers. ^_^

Rebecca said...

Maria, I am sure the Liv's mom has got it goin' on, to paraphrase a song! I don't know if this chick wanted to assure herself that she was real, or call me out in some weird way. Either way, could have been worse. I was actually spit on by a homeless dude when I was in my 20s walking along 42nd street at 5th avenue. No reason. He just turned his head and hawked up a big 'un and let 'er fly right in my face.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Maybe She just had an innocent moment of confusion, or a senior moment, or was trying to avoid that awkward dance that we all sometimes do when we are trying to step around one another.

Kelly said...

That would creep me out! How odd!

SOUL said...

a senior moment LOL.. i haven't heard that in a while.
anyhow--- nope in NY...i would have been the same way. i despise crowds, any one who stops in my path....well... irritates the crap outta me
good to see ya writin again.