Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I Wonder...

• What is it about human beings that makes them incessantly try to rank things? It seems we are nearly incapable of contemplating ideas without trying to assign some empirical or moral value to them. It is what nearly all forms bias is built upon. My things/ideas/morals are better than yours, and I'm gonna stand here and scream about WHY they are better than yours. People will find and cite references obvious and obscure. Or worse yet, simply repeat that which strikes a chord within them without any analysis. Really? Who has time for that crap? And why? Why do people not understand, with several millennia of recorded history under our collective belt, that to do so is as harmful for the judge as the judged?

• Why is it that other people perceive decisions made by one person as a judgment on their decisions? What one person decides is right for themself and their circumstances has absolutely no bearing on anyone else. Or is this all part of the ranking scheme mentioned above? Is the 'decider' doing trying to see how many chits they can pile up in their corner until they are satisfied that their pile is bigger than someone else's? Or is the person feeling judged taking stock of their pile of chits and feeling as if someone else doesn't measure up, or like they don't measure up themselves? Why is that?

• Why is it that we all talk about wanting the same things, yet most individuals do nothing to ensure those same things become universal truths? Or, even worse, stand by and do nothing to stop others from violating what we all say we want? Idealism is a wonderful thing, but ideals cannot be achieved simply by wishing them so. Those who stand for uglier causes are far more active than those who espouse more noble ideas. But wait....is that a judgment that can be rationalized?

• Why is it that while we can tell a complete stranger where to go and how EXACTLY to get there, we have serious difficulty confronting an emotional issue with someone very close to us? Flipping the bird easier than picking up the phone...now that's just wrong. And the flip side of the same issue...we are so polite to a stranger on the street, but take for granted our own kin and kith. Bump into someone on the sidewalk, and automatically we say, "Excuse me." But saying a heartfelt, "I'm sorry" to someone we've offended is far less reflexive.

I wish I could actually offer answers to these wonderings. If you can, I'm all eyes....



Bridget said...

Wow, great questions. I have no great answers however. I am trying to be more 'polite' to my children as I would be to a stranger. I have also been trying to make a conscious effort to compliment people more. Not just the "oh, you look nice today" but sincere comments like "I admire how sincere and honest you are." I think of all the thoughts I have in my head of other people and wonder why I don't just tell them. Maybe by praising someone else we think subconsciously that that would put us at a lower level and therefore we hold back.

deep thoughts. Thanks

The Real Mother Hen said...

What a post RP! This is excellent!
I just spend a morning making this big bowl of Chinese herbal soup. It stinks. It's black in color. You see chicken feet floating around. But it is good for you so I insist you finish drinking the whole bowl, all because it is good for you... I repeat this a 1000 times.
That's what I throw at you. But my real motivation is because I love you and I hold on to the tinist hope which can make you a healthier person.
This is just a long-winded example to say we humans act out of LOVE and FEAR. Everything we do, everything, is motivated by love and fear. The rest is complicated by our inability to communicate the love and fear.

Anonymous said...

I have no answers either..but they are some really good questions.

And..maybe you better have some of Mother Hen's chinese herbal soup up there...!

The World According To Me said...

Hmmm. Definitely questions to ponder over. I agree with everything you said, even the bit about having no answers!

Eastcoastdweller said...

If there were easy answers to these questions, someone would have written them down a long time ago!

Lainey-Paney said...

eastcoastdweller took my answer, almost verbatim.

Travelin'Oma said...

I heard a commercial today that reminded me of something profound. We all want the American Dream, but the dream will be different for each individual. When we get a glimmer of what we want, I think we push it on others because we want to be validated. Yet we resent others pushing their dreams and ideas on me. I think the ideal would be to encourage each person to follow their path, then follow ours, alone, and see who we meet up with. We accomplish more when the motivation comes from within. Motivation from without includes pressure,
guilt and resentment, even if it's something we believe in ourselves. Wannabes with ideas of how I should do something are kicked off my team.

Maria said...

That is a lot of whys...and I wish that I knew how to figure the path out to get where we need to be. It is like we can all see it but we are afraid to walk there or something....

Kate said...

My question for you is, What took your train of thought down this track? Was it the Monsignor (sp) ?

SOUL said...

hey girl..
sorry i haven't been around much.
but ya know..
even though you have put these in a much more educated manner than i ever could.. what it all comes down to is
i often wonder the exact same things...
unfortunately.. these are some of the infinite questions in life, that have no answers... because ... every person is different in their mind and soul.. therefore... each answer to each question.. will have a diferent meaning, purpose, and answer.

if you ever get it figured out... clue me in would ya???

SOUL said...

i wonder too.
like where are you hidin?

SOUL said...

did you move to houston and not tell us?

SOUL said...

i feel like i've been disowned .

are you ok?

is it something i said?

ok.. which is it?

check in k?

Kate said...

Hi, Rebecca-

It is.... ready for this? October 26. You concerned fans would like you to send up even a tiny flare...